德斯拉 – 意大利的美食之旅 德斯拉是意大利北部伦巴第大区的一道传统美食。它也被称为“德斯托”或“德斯特”,是当地人最喜欢的晚餐菜肴之一。基本上,德斯拉就是一道用面饼和奶酪制成的烤片,但是它的独特风味和口感却让它在意大利美食界享有盛誉。 The Delectable Delights of Desdra Desdra is a traditional dish from Lombardy, a region in northern Italy. It is also known as “desto” or “desta” and is one of the locals’ favourite dinner dishes. Essentially, desdra is a baked slice made with pasta sheets and cheese, but its unique flavour and texture have earned it a place of honour in the world of Italian cuisine. 历史和传统 德斯拉的历史可以追溯到意大利中世纪时期。当时,人们使用纯面粉烤制“疯狂面包”(pan coi santi),这是一种在教堂庆祝节日时食用的传统面包。随着时间的推移,人们逐渐将奶酪和其他配料组合到这个菜肴中,形成了现代德斯拉的风味和口感。 History and Tradition The history of desdra can be traced back to the Middle Ages in Italy. At that time, people baked “mad bread” (pan coi santi) using pure flour, which was a traditional bread eaten during church holidays. Over time, people gradually combined cheese and other...