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腾讯云黑石2.0:下一代云计算基础设施的未来之路 云计算技术已成为当今企业IT基础设施建设的必要选择。在市场竞争中,厂商之间的竞争也越来越激烈。为了保持技术领先,腾讯云黑石团队积极探索创新,推出了下一代云计算基础设施:黑石2.0。 The Future Road of Tencent Cloud’s Blackstone 2.0: The Next Generation of Cloud Computing Infrastructure Cloud computing technology has become a necessary choice for enterprise IT infrastructure construction today. In the market competition, the competition among vendors is also becoming increasingly fierce. In order to maintain technical leadership, the Tencent Cloud Blackstone team actively explores innovation and launched the next generation of cloud computing infrastructure: Blackstone 2.0. 基础设施芯片化是关键 在云计算基础设施建设中,芯片技术是至关重要的。黑石2.0采用全新的芯片化架构:异构计算架构,精细化管理集群资源。其核心控制层采用全球首款量产AI处理器:飞腾320。其深度学习能力相当于英伟达V100,近似于IntelCascade Lake。 Infrastructure Chipization is Key In cloud computing infrastructure construction, chip technology is crucial. Blackstone 2.0 adopts a new chip architecture: heterogeneous computing architecture and fine-grained management cluster resources. Its core control layer adopts the world’s first mass-produced AI processor: Feiteng 320. Its deep learning capabilities are equivalent to...
