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香港大浦 香港大浦是香港九龍的一个新兴区域,自20世纪90年代末开始发展,并在近年来获得了日益增长的关注。其地理位置靠近香港国际机场和珀丽湾国际会展中心,是香港发展最快的地区之一。此地区的商业、文化和娱乐设施不断壮大,吸引了越来越多的人来此工作和居住。 The Development of Tai Po in Hong Kong Tai Po is a rapidly developing area in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Starting in the late 1990s, this region has experienced significant growth and has been gaining increasing attention in recent years. Located near the Hong Kong International Airport and the AsiaWorld-Expo, Tai Po is one of the fastest-growing regions in Hong Kong. Its expanding commercial, cultural, and entertainment facilities are attracting more and more people to live and work here. 发展历史 香港大浦最初是一片大片的沼泽地,直到20世纪90年代才被填充和开发。近年来,政府在该地区投入了大量的基础设施建设,包括修建大型购物中心、文化娱乐设施和高档住宅。这些新建项目吸引了越来越多的人前来探索并在此建立家庭。 A Brief History of Tai Po’s Development Tai Po was initially a vast stretch of marshland, which was filled and developed in the 1990s. In recent years, the government has invested heavily in the area’s infrastructure, including the...
