MySQL服务器IP地址 MySQL是一种流行的关系型数据库管理系统,常用于数据存储、管理和检索。MySQL服务器IP地址是指MySQL服务器的唯一标识符,通常用于连接MySQL数据库。 在许多情况下,管理员需要知道MySQL服务器IP地址来执行诸如监视网络活动、防火墙配置和其他网络管理任务的操作。 How to Find MySQL Server IP Address? The process of finding the MySQL server IP address may vary depending on the operating system and the environment in which the MySQL server is running. Below are some common methods to find the MySQL server IP address. In Linux and Unix In a Linux or Unix operating system, you can use the following command to find the MySQL server IP address: sudo netstat -tulpn | grep -i mysql This command will show you the MySQL server IP address in the output. In Windows In Windows operating system, you can use the Command Prompt to find the MySQL server IP address. Follow the below steps: Open Command Prompt Type the...