







Aliyun Bandwidth Pay-as-you-go Price

In recent years, cloud computing technology has gradually become the mainstream of enterprise information construction. With the continuous development and progress of cloud computing technology, the application scenarios of cloud computing are becoming more and more extensive. For enterprises that run their businesses in the cloud, the importance of network bandwidth is self-evident. As one of China’s largest cloud service providers, what is the price of Alibaba Cloud’s bandwidth service?

In general, Alibaba Cloud’s bandwidth billing methods are mainly divided into prepaid and postpaid methods. Prepaid requires prepayment of a certain amount of fees before designated network resources can be used. Post-payment means that users do not pay fees in advance, but instead charge based on the actual usage of network resources. Among them, Alibaba Cloud’s pay-as-you-go method is a more convenient billing method.

The price of pay-as-you-go bandwidth mainly depends on several factors: region, bandwidth peak, traffic peak, etc. Taking the East China 1 region as an example, the lowest price is 0.023 yuan per Mbps per hour. Of course, the price will still vary depending on the bandwidth peak and traffic peak. In addition, Alibaba Cloud also provides value-added services such as load balancing and cloud security, which users need to choose to purchase by themselves.

Compared with other cloud service providers, Alibaba Cloud’s bandwidth price is relatively more transparent. At the same time, Alibaba Cloud’s bandwidth price is also more favorable than other cloud service providers. In addition to price advantages, Alibaba Cloud’s bandwidth service also has high performance like other cloud service providers and supports different bandwidth specifications and network types. In terms of network quality, Alibaba Cloud has always adhered to user-centricity, ensuring the stability and security of its services.

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