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SSL certificates are a must-have for website security, encrypted connections and better search engine rankings. However, Aliyun SSL certificates also expire, and this can be very dangerous. If you use an expired certificate, your website’s security will be greatly compromised, which can lead to data breaches and damage to your brand reputation.

The good news is that you can manage and renew your certificates on the Aliyun official website. If you encounter a situation where your certificate is about to expire, you can contact Aliyun customer support at any time for timely help and support.

How to manage and renew SSL certificates?

The main method for managing Aliyun SSL certificates is through the “console” page. On the console page, you can renew certificates, regenerate certificates, download certificate files and other operations. If your certificate is about to expire, you can renew your certificate or purchase a new one to ensure that your website remains protected.

It is also important to note that the cost of SSL certificates is generally calculated on an annual basis. If you intend to replace your current certificate, you should start preparing several months before the current certificate expires and purchase a new certificate.

The potential consequences of an expired SSL certificate

If your SSL certificate has expired, it may cause you many unnecessary troubles. Once the certificate expires, your website will no longer be trusted by the browser and search engine, which will not only affect your SEO ranking, but also lead to security vulnerabilities and hacker attacks, ultimately resulting in data breaches.

In addition, if your website relies on HTTPS to protect user data, then when the certificate expires, the website may not function properly, which can affect the user experience.

How to avoid expired Aliyun SSL certificates?

The best way to avoid certificate expiration is to use the SSL certificate automatic renewal function, which can avoid the expiration of the certificate affecting the security and normal operation of the website. If you are an Aliyun user, you can enable the automatic renewal function in the SSL certificate console, which ensures that your certificate is always up-to-date and your website is secure.

In addition, you should closely monitor the expiration date of the certificate and renew it in a timely manner as necessary. In any case, once your SSL certificate expires, take action immediately to renew or update the certificate to ensure the security of your website.

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