

阿里云安全防护系统(Ali Cloud Security)是阿里云旗下的安全服务体系,旨在为用户提供一流的云安全保障和个性化的安全防护方案。阿里云安全防护系统具有高可靠性、高性能、高灵活性等特点,已经成为包括政府、金融、电信、互联网、零售、能源等多个行业的安全防护服务首选。

Ali Cloud Security

Ali Cloud Security is the security service system under Alibaba Cloud, which aims to provide first-class cloud security guarantee and customized security protection solutions for users. The system is characterized by high reliability, high performance, and high flexibility, and has become the first choice for security protection services in multiple industries, including government, finance, telecommunications, internet, retail, and energy.



– DDos 防御

– WAF 应用防火墙

– 入侵防御 ISDP

– 数据飓风

– 安骑士主机安全防护

– 网络安全风险管理

– 应用加固

– 全网威胁情报

– 大数据风险感知

Types of Security Protection

The Ali Cloud Security system mainly includes the following types:

– DDos defense

– WAF application firewall

– Intrusion defense ISDP

– Data hurricane

– Secured host protection

– Network security risk management

– Application strengthening

– Network-wide threat intelligence

– Big data risk perception


– 高效稳定:阿里云安全防护系统在全球部署有198个高效稳定的节点,对全球DDoS攻击进行有效响应。

– 灵活易用:提供用户自行定制安全防护方案、一键式防御操作、一站式云安全管理中心。

– 大数据驱动:利用云计算和大数据技术对海量数据进行分析和挖掘,发现各种安全威胁,为用户提供更加智能化的安全解决方案。

– 多级防护:采用多级防御体系,包括外部网络防御和内部主机安全防护,为用户的云服务器提供全面的安全保障。

System Features

– Efficient and stable: The Ali Cloud Security system has 198 efficient and stable nodes deployed worldwide, providing effective responses to global DDoS attacks.

– Flexible and easy to use: It provides users with customized security protection solutions, one-click defense operations, and a one-stop cloud security management center.

– Big data-driven: It uses cloud computing and big data technology to ****yze and mine massive data, discover various security threats, and provide users with more intelligent security solutions.

– Multi-level protection: It adopts a multi-level defense system, including external network defense and internal host security protection, providing comprehensive security protection for users’ cloud servers.

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