



1. 网络连接问题


– 检查网络连接

– 重启路由器或调整网络设置

– 更换网络连接方式或更改网络供应商

2. 系统故障


– 检查硬件驱动程序

– 升级操作系统或更新补丁程序

– 检查系统日志

3. 安全设置


– 调整访问控制列表(ACL)

– 可能需要更新安全软件或关闭某些防火墙设置

– 检查端口或 IP 地址限制


Disconnected Remote Desktop Connection

Users may encounter the issue of their remote desktop connection abruptly disconnecting. This can cause loss of work or inability to remotely operate. Following are some reasons and techniques that cause the disconnections in remote desktop connections and potential resolutions.

1. Network connectivity issue

Remote Desktop Connection requires a network in order to operate; if network connectivity is unstable or slow, the connections may disconnects. You can address this issue by optimizing your network as followings:

– Check network connectivity.

– Restart the router or adjust network settings.

– Change or modify network providers.

2. System Fault

If the underlying system has fault or irregularity, it also causes remote desktop disconnection. You can inspect system hardware and software configuration and troubleshoot system errors to ensure uninterrupted remote desktop connection.

– Check hardware drivers.

– Upgrade operating system or patch updates.

– Inspect system logs.

3. Security Settings

Some security settings may interfere with the reliability of remote desktop connections. If settings are too stringent, it may not be able to authenticate or establish a connection. You can fix this issue by:

– Modify the Access Control List (ACL).

– May need to update the security software or disable some firewall settings.

– Check port or IP address restrictions.

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