


Benefits of Aliyun Check-in

Aliyun check-in is a way to earn points that can be used to redeem various rewards. Checking in is easy, simply log in to your Aliyun account, go to the check-in page and click the check-in button.

Here are some benefits of Aliyun check-in:

Free to participate

Points can be redeemed for valuable rewards

Easy to participate, just a few clicks to check in

Opportunity to earn additional points by participating in various promotions

Users can view their check-in history and point balance

How to Participate in Aliyun Check-in:

To participate in Aliyun check-in, you must have an Aliyun account. If you don’t have one, you can create one for free on their website.

Once you are logged in to your account, go to the check-in page and click the check-in button. You can also check-in using the Aliyun app available for both iOS and Android devices.

By checking in every day, you can accumulate points to redeem for rewards such as free cloud storage, domain names, and more.

Promotions and Special Offers

In addition to the daily check-in points, Aliyun also offers various promotions and special offers that allow users to earn additional points. These promotions vary and may include completing a survey, inviting friends to join Aliyun, or participating in a specific event or webinar.

It’s important to keep an eye on the promotions page to see what offers are available and how you can earn extra points. These promotions are a great way to earn additional points quickly and can help you reach your goals faster.


Aliyun check-in is a simple and easy way to earn points that can be redeemed for valuable rewards. With the opportunity to earn additional points through various promotions and special offers, participating in Aliyun check-in can be very rewarding.

So why not start checking in today and start earning those points?

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