




Recently, many Hong Kong server IPs have been blocked by the mainland. This has caused some trouble for businesses and individuals who use these IPs. Here are some of the main reasons that may lead to this situation.

Political Reasons

The political situation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has always been very complicated. Due to various political disputes between Hong Kong and the mainland, some sensitive content may be blocked by the mainland. This may prevent the spread of harmful information to a certain extent, but it also imposes certain restrictions on people’s freedom of information.



Technical Reasons

In addition to political reasons, technical reasons may also be the cause of this situation. The mainland’s technology for blocking IP addresses has become very mature. It only needs to add the IP address to the blacklist to achieve the blocking effect. This also means that if the Hong Kong server IP address you are using is blocked by the mainland, it may only be because this address has been used to spread sensitive content or has had spam mail issues.



Financial Reasons

Hong Kong is one of the world’s most important financial centers, and server IP addresses in the region have become very important as a result. However, the mainland government has strict control over the financial industry. In some cases, the mainland may block certain Hong Kong server IPs in order to control the circulation of financial information as much as possible.




Generally speaking, there may be many reasons why Hong Kong server IPs are blocked by the mainland, including political factors, technical reasons, financial reasons, and so on. If your IP address is blocked by the mainland, it is recommended that you contact your network service provider as soon as possible to understand the situation and take appropriate measures to deal with this issue.

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