



1. IP保护:


1. IP Protection:

High protection servers can provide IP protection by hiding the real IP address behind the high protection cluster, making it difficult for attackers to attack the target IP address directly. At the same time, high protection servers can also provide IP segment filtering, IP black/white list, protocol filtering and other functions to further enhance the protection of IP.

2. 多层防御:

高防服务器采用多层防御策略,包括硬件设备、软件安全系统等,从而保障了业务的高效稳定运行。同时,高防服务器还可以进行多种攻击的识别和处理,如SYN Flood攻击、UDP攻击、TCP攻击等。

2. Multi-Layer Defense:

High protection servers adopt multi-layer defense strategies, including hardware devices, software security systems, etc., to ensure the efficient and stable operation of businesses. At the same time, high protection servers can also identify and handle various types of attacks, such as SYN Flood attacks, UDP attacks, TCP attacks, and so on.

3. CDN加速


3. CDN Acceleration:

High protection servers can provide CDN acceleration services, distributing business content to CDN nodes around the world, thereby dispersing attack traffic and reducing network load. In addition, CDN acceleration can also improve website access speed and enhance user experience.

4. 自动告警:


4. Automatic Alarm:

High protection servers have automatic alarm functions. Once abnormal traffic attacks are detected, administrators will be notified promptly through various means such as alarm bells, SMS, phone calls, emails and so on, to ensure the safe and stable operation of businesses.

5. 灾备方案:


5. Disaster Recovery Plan:

High protection servers have complete disaster recovery plans. When the main server is unable to operate normally due to failure or attack, the backup server can take over the business in time to ensure the stable operation of businesses.




As a type of server specifically designed to deal with DDoS attacks, high protection servers have many security protection functions, including IP protection, multi-layer defense, CDN acceleration, automatic alarm, disaster recovery plans, and so on. These functions can effectively ensure the stable operation of businesses and reduce enterprise losses. Therefore, when choosing a server, high-performance and high-security high protection servers should be chosen.

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