




High hardening servers, 可以使用更高品质的硬件组件来提高服务器的耐用性,同时可以利用高级防火墙和ssl证书提高安全性双重保护,保证数据的安全性,是一种高性能强加固的服务器。



High hardening servers 更加注重数据中心的安全性和稳定性,采用更加严格的控制标准,防止不必要的数据泄露和丢失,提高安全性能和数据的防御能力。



High hardening servers不仅能够实现业务高速交换,还可以是兼容性更强,能够更好地支持复杂应用程序的依赖性,从而能够达到更高的性能和资源分配速度。




Differences between high defense servers and high hardness servers?

With the continuous development and popularization of the Internet, network security issues have become the focus of attention of many enterprises and individuals. Especially in the current life and work, network attacks are becoming increasingly rampant, and high defense and high hardness servers have emerged to combat this phenomenon. Although the two seem similar, there are some differences. The following compares from the aspects of definition, function, performance, and price.


A high defense server is a type of server that is specifically designed to defend against and protect against various DDoS attack techniques. Generally, through functions such as large traffic forwarding, intelligent ****ysis, and cleaning, the impact of DDoS attacks is effectively alleviated to ensure network security and reliability.

High hardness servers use higher quality hardware components to improve server durability and can use advanced firewalls and SSL certificates to improve security and double protection to ensure data security. It is a high-performance and strong server.


High defense servers defend against various attacks through multiple network security technologies such as firewalls, IDS, IPS, WAF, and CDN, effectively reducing the probability that servers will suffer from DDoS attacks and protecting network security.

High hardness servers pay more attention to the security and stability of data centers, use more strict control standards to prevent unnecessary data leaks and losses, improve security performance and defensive capabilities of data.


The performance of high defense servers in defending against DDoS attacks is very good. It can achieve second-level attack defense and support large bandwidth protection, which is also effective for enhancing network performance during business high peaks.

High hardness servers not only achieve high-speed business exchange but also have better compatibility and can better support the dependency of complex applications, thereby achieving higher performance and resource allocation speed.


The prices of high defense servers and high hardness servers are more expensive than general servers. High defense servers generally use traffic billing and attack count billing, while high-strength servers are usually billed based on selected hardware types, storage space, CPU, memory, and other hardware configurations.

It should be noted that the prices of high defense servers and high hardness servers are determined based on the selected service items, so the price comparison should be carefully compared.

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