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As a destination with many world-class attractions and activities, the United States is a great place to travel. However, some people may think that traveling to the United States is too expensive. We have good news for you, there are many inexpensive activities to participate in to make your trip more economical.

Visit museums and art galleries

Many cities in the United States have famous museums and art galleries that can be visited for free. For example, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is open to all visitors for free on Friday evenings. In addition, the National Art Gallery and Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. are also open for free.

Explore the city on a bike

Biking is a fun mode of transportation, and in most cities in the United States, there are many bike rental services that charge $5-$10 per hour, which is very cheap compared to taking a taxi, car or tour bus. In addition, cycling allows you to get closer to the streets, life, and scenery, and overall, the travel experience will be richer and deeper.

Taste local food

When traveling to the United States, tasting local food is essential. But don’t worry, you don’t have to spend too much money to eat delicious food. You can choose to go to **all restaurants, food trucks, or restaurants recommended by locals to try traditional American food and local cultural specialties. In addition, at some farmers’ markets or roadside stalls, locals may open a stall for you to try.

Join various activity clubs

Whatever you are interested in, there are corresponding clubs in the United States that you can join, such as running clubs, camping clubs, football clubs, outdoor photography clubs, and so on. By joining these clubs, you can satisfy your interests, make friends with like-minded people, and also experience various activities in the area cheaply or for free.

Holiday shopping discounts

The United States is a shopping paradise, and seasonal promotions make people linger. For example, on important shopping holidays such as Thanksgiving Black Friday and Cyber ??Monday, major shopping malls and brand stores will offer a series of discounts and promotional activities to provide a variety of discounts and promotional activities for different customer needs. Buying enough volume and single consumption amount may also receive additional discounts and gifts. If you want to go shopping in the United States, don’t miss these promotional opportunities.

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