




How Long Does the Aliyun Black Hole Last?

The Aliyun Black Hole is a type of network security protection used to handle heavy traffic attacks by redirecting the attack traffic to Aliyun’s black hole device, ensuring the normal network communication flow. But what is the maximum duration of this protection?

According to Aliyun’s official introduction, the duration of black hole protection can be set by the user according to their own needs. Users can set a reasonable duration time based on the actual situation to achieve the optimal protection effect. For example, in the case of short-term peak attacks, a short duration time can be set to avoid too much traffic being redirected; while in the case of long-term attacks, a relatively longer duration time could be set to ensure the most consistent protection.

Moreover, the Aliyun Black Hole also has flexible operation and can be adjusted at any time according to the actual situation. If it is found that the black hole is blocking normal traffic, users can cancel the black hole setting immediately to restore normal network communication.

82 11 07 20 13

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