




1. 流量清洗:高防服务器将所有传入和传出的流量进行筛选和分析,将合法流量传递至目标服务器,而将恶意流量进行过滤处理。

2. 负载均衡:当高防服务器检查到某些IP地址的流量非常高的时候,自动将这个IP地址的请求分拣到多台目标服务器中,以此来保证单台服务器不会被过载。



1. 输入过滤:高防服务器通过输入过滤来控制用户输入内容,防止攻击者从输入框中注入恶意脚本。

2. SQL语句检查:高防服务器会对网站访问请求的SQL参数进行判断,如果发现包含有恶意请求,则会拦截该请求。



1. XML解析器升级:高防服务器会对服务器上的XML解析器进行升级,以此来防止攻击者利用新的漏洞进行攻击。

2. 输入过滤:高防服务器会对输入的XML文件进行过滤处理,以保证XML代码的合法性,防止攻击者利用漏洞进入系统内部。



Solution to prevent network attacks with high defense servers

Network attacks are becoming more common in modern society, and high defense servers are the key to protecting website security. High defense servers use different solutions to deal with various network attacks.

DDoS attack

DDoS attack is one of the most common attack methods. The attacker uses multiple IP addresses to attack a server or network at the same time, causing network congestion and business interruption. To prevent DDoS attacks, high defense servers typically use the following methods:

1. Traffic scrubbing: High defense servers filter and ****yze all incoming and outgoing traffic, passing legitimate traffic to the target server, while filtering malicious traffic.

2. Load balancing: When the high defense server detects that the traffic of certain IP addresses is very high, it automatically sorts the requests of this IP address to multiple target servers to ensure that a single server is not overloaded.

SQL injection attack

SQL injection attacks exploit vulnerabilities in the input SQL query code to access or modify data without authorization. To prevent SQL injection attacks, high defense servers typically use the following methods:

1. Input filtering: High defense servers control user input by input filtering to prevent attackers from injecting malicious scripts into input boxes.

2. SQL statement checking: The high defense server will judge the SQL parameters of the website access request. If it finds that a malicious request is included, it will intercept the request.

XXE attack

XXE attacks exploit vulnerabilities in XML files to obtain sensitive data. To prevent XXE attacks, high defense servers typically use the following methods:

1. XML parser upgrade: High defense servers upgrade XML parsers on the server to prevent attackers from using new vulnerabilities to attack.

2. Input filtering: High defense servers filter the input XML files to ensure the legality of the XML code and prevent attackers from entering the system through vulnerabilities.


The appearance of high defense servers has an extremely important role in protecting website security, and adopting multiple defense strategies is the key to effectively preventing and responding to network attacks.

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