



Baidu Netdisk Double 11 Membership

Double 11, the annual “shopping festival” that attracts consumers around China, is just around the corner. All major e-commerce platforms are launching their promotional campaigns to attract more customers. And during this festival, Baidu Netdisk will also launch discount activities for its members.

Baidu Netdisk is a popular cloud storage software that provides users with cloud storage and file sharing services. As a free software, users can get 2GB of free storage space on Baidu Netdisk. But for users with larger storage needs, the membership service becomes a good choice.

For this year’s Double 11 festival, Baidu Netdisk will launch a membership promotion activity that offers a 50% discount on annual memberships. Users who purchase annual memberships during the promotion will only need to pay ¥80 ($11.5) for a year of storage and sharing services. This means that users can enjoy almost five times the storage space of a free user.

More importantly, Baidu Netdisk’s membership service also provides many convenient features such as higher download and upload speed, offline download, AutoSync and a VIP service. The VIP service includes priority customer service support and other personalized services.

Membership has always been a symbol of distinction and privilege. With the promotion of Baidu Netdisk Double 11 Membership during the Double 11 festival, users can enjoy better storage and sharing services at a more affordable price. It is worth mentioning that the promotion is only available for a limited time. So if you are interested, don’t miss it out.

Overall, the promotion is a good opportunity for Baidu Netdisk users to upgrade their membership. And for those who have not tried Baidu Netdisk yet, it is also a good time to experience the convenience and benefits of cloud storage and file sharing.

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