




As a leading global cloud service provider, Huawei Cloud has been expanding its global service network to meet the diverse needs of enterprises, developers and users worldwide, with hundreds of cloud service nodes in Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, etc. In addition to the cloud computing nodes worldwide, Huawei Cloud has also deployed backup nodes, cache nodes, CDN nodes, DNS nodes and more in many countries and regions, providing more stable and efficient services in network acceleration, data backup, database disaster recovery, and more.

Huawei Cloud’s overseas nodes focus on four regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Latin America, offering a variety of application scenarios including cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and IoT. These nodes not only provide rich cloud computing, big data and AI computing power support, but also offer effective solutions for specific industry application scenarios, such as **art finance, **art cities, **art transportation, and **art agriculture. In addition, Huawei Cloud provides elastic computing, big data solutions, private cloud, hybrid cloud and more to many enterprises, playing an important role in enhancing enterprise transformation and digitization.

Huawei Cloud’s overseas nodes have gained extensive user recognition worldwide and are continuously improving service quality and user experience to meet the growing demand of users.

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