








English Version

Firstly, ASP is a type of dynamic webpage technology that requires a server to run in order to display webpage content. When we want to run an ASP website on the internet, we need a server that supports ASP technology, and virtual hosting is designed for this purpose.

Virtual hosting divides the hardware resources of a server into multiple independent virtual hosts, each with its own operating system, disk space, bandwidth and other resources. Users can upload website files to virtual hosts via FTP and then map the website to the IP address of the virtual host through domain name resolution to achieve website access.

The use of virtual hosting can bring many benefits: it eliminates the need to purchase and maintain servers and rent computer rooms, and saves many costs and time. At the same time, virtual host providers will also provide customers with many excellent services, such as website backup, security, monitoring, domain name registration, etc.

The reason why ASP virtual hosting is exempt from filing is because ASP technology consumes less server resources, has good security and user interaction, and is therefore considered by the country to be a relatively safe technology. Therefore, the filing plan for ASP virtual hosting is relatively loose. As long as it is operated in compliance and used reasonably, there is no need to file.

However, exempting from filing does not mean that there is no regulation. Virtual host providers still need to review the content of users’ websites to ensure that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations. When using ASP virtual hosting, users also need to comply with relevant laws, regulations and norms to ensure that the website operates normally without filing.

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