


步骤1: 启用远程桌面连接

要远程控制您的Windows电脑,您需要确认远程桌面连接已在您的计算机上启用。如果您不确定这个选项是否已启用,可以按下 `Win + R` 键,输入 `sysdm.cpl` 并点击 `Enter` 键。然后,选择 “远程” 选项卡,确保 “允许远程连接到此计算机” 已被选中。

步骤2: 下载远程桌面连接应用程序

现在,您需要下载 `Microsoft Remote Desktop` 应用程序到您的手机。该应用程序可以从 Google Play Store 或 App Store 下载。

步骤3: 添加远程桌面连接

在您的远程桌面连接应用程序中,点击添加 `+` 按钮,并输入您的Windows电脑的IP地址。如果您不知道您的IP地址,可以按下 `Win + R` 键,输入 `cmd` 并点击 `Enter` 键。在打开的命令提示符中,输入 `ipconfig` 命令,并找到“IPv4地址”行,以找到您的IP地址。输入用户名和密码,确保“启用网络级别身份验证”已被选中,并点击“保存”按钮。

步骤4: 远程连接到您的Windows电脑


Step 1: Enable Remote Desktop Connection

In many situations, you may need to connect to your Windows computer from outside in order to access files and applications stored there. At this time, you can use the remote desktop connection feature to remotely control your Windows computer on your phone. Here’s how to connect your phone and Windows remote desktop.

Step 2: Download Remote Desktop Connection Application

Now, you need to download the Microsoft Remote Desktop application to your phone. The application can be downloaded from Google Play Store or App Store.

Step 3: Add Remote Desktop Connection

In your remote desktop connection application, click the add `+` button and enter the IP address of your Windows computer. If you don’t know your IP address, press the `Win + R` key, enter `cmd` and press Enter. In the opened command prompt, enter the `ipconfig` command and find the “IPv4 address” line to find your IP address. Enter your username and password, make sure “Enable Network Level Authentication” is selected, and click the “Save” button.

Step 4: Remote Connect to Your Windows Computer

Now, you can remotely connect by clicking on the Windows computer added to your remote desktop connection list. Enter your username and password, then click the “Connect” button. You will see your Windows desktop displayed on your phone.

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