




PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor是一款易于使用的网络监控软件。它支持多种网络设备和协议的监控,并且提供了实时监控和历史数据查询功能。此外,PRTG Network Monitor还支持自定义报表和报警功能,可根据具体需求设置相关规则和告警方式。



Zenoss Core

Zenoss Core是一款开源的企业级服务器监控软件。它提供了自动化发现、性能监控和配置管理等功能,可以快速诊断服务器故障并处理问题。Zenoss Core还支持自定义报警和动态报表功能,满足不同管理员的监控需求。

SolarWinds Server & application Monitor

SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor是一款兼具服务器监控和应用程序监控的软件。它可以实时监控服务器的性能、应用程序的状态和业务流程,并提供预警机制和故障排除功能。SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor还提供了可视化的操作界面和自定义报表功能。

The Conclusion

以上就是常见的服务器监控软件,每款软件都有自己的特点和优势。本文从Zabbix、PRTG Network Monitor、Nagios、Zenoss Core和SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor五个方面介绍了常用的服务器监控软件。了解这些软件,有助于管理人员选择适合自己公司的监控软件,确保服务器的稳定运行。

What are the Server Monitoring Software

With the continuous development of the Internet, server monitoring software has become an important component to ensure the normal operation of servers. The following introduces some common server monitoring software.


Zabbix is a powerful open source server monitoring software. It can monitor various network devices, servers and applications. Zabbix not only can monitor infrastructure, but also can perform container and cloud monitoring. Zabbix also provides a rich alarm mechani**, which can notify administrators to deal with failures in a timely manner.

PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor is an easy-to-use network monitoring software. It supports monitoring of various network devices and protocols, and provides real-time monitoring and historical data query functions. In addition, PRTG Network Monitor also supports custom report and alarm functions, and can set relevant rules and alarm methods according to specific needs.


Nagios is a popular open source server monitoring software. It can monitor various network devices and servers, including host status, service status and network traffic, etc. Nagios provides a wealth of plug-ins and templates to meet various monitoring needs. At the same time, Nagios also supports multiple alarm methods, such as email, SMS, telephone, etc.

Zenoss Core

Zenoss Core is an open source enterprise-level server monitoring software. It provides automatic discovery, performance monitoring and configuration management functions, which can quickly diagnose server faults and handle problems. Zenoss Core also supports custom alarm and dynamic report functions to meet the monitoring needs of different administrators.

SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor

SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor is a software that combines server monitoring and application monitoring. It can monitor the performance of servers, the status of applications and business processes in real time, and provide warning mechani** and fault troubleshooting functions. SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor also provides a visual operation interface and custom report function.

The Conclusion

Above are the common server monitoring software, each software has its own characteristics and advantages. This article introduces the commonly used server monitoring software from five aspects: Zabbix, PRTG Network Monitor, Nagios, Zenoss Core and SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor. Understanding these software helps management personnel to choose suitable monitoring software for their own company and ensure the stable operation of servers.

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