





国外的云电脑服务商也有很多,比如亚马逊AWS、谷歌云等。它们的云电脑服务价格也会随着所在地区不同而有所变化。以亚马逊AWS为例,其云电脑方案分为Windows EC2和Linux自助版两类,价格从每小时0.014美元到每小时3.20美元不等。谷歌云的云电脑方案也从每小时0.06美元到每小时2.16美元不等。需要注意的是,这些价格只是使用费用,不包括一些额外的服务费用。





How Much Does Cloud Desktop Computer Cost?

Cloud desktop computer is a virtualization technology that places computer operating systems, applications, data and other resources on cloud servers, and users can access these resources via the internet. More and more people are choosing cloud desktop computers, but how much do they cost? Let’s take a look.

Cost of Cloud Desktop Computer in China

Currently, some well-known cloud desktop computer service providers in China include Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud, etc. These service providers offer different cloud desktop computer plans, with different prices. Taking Alibaba Cloud as an example, its cloud desktop plan includes Basic Edition, Standard Edition, Performance Optimization Edition and other versions, and the price ranges from 0.19 yuan per hour to 0.57 yuan per hour. The cloud desktop plan of Tencent Cloud ranges from 0.31 yuan per hour to 1.12 yuan per hour. The cloud desktop plan of Huawei Cloud ranges from 0.35 yuan per hour to 0.65 yuan per hour. These prices are based on usage duration, and the longer the usage time, the higher the price.

Cost of Cloud Desktop Computer Overseas

There are also many cloud desktop computer service providers overseas, such as Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, etc. The prices of their cloud desktop computer services also vary depending on the region. Taking Amazon AWS as an example, its cloud desktop computer plan includes Windows EC2 and Linux self-help versions, with prices ranging from $0.014 per hour to $3.20 per hour. Google Cloud’s cloud desktop plan also ranges from $0.06 per hour to $2.16 per hour. Please note that these prices only include usage fees, and do not include some additional service fees.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Cloud Desktop Computer

When choosing cloud desktop computers, we need to consider not only the service fees, but also other factors such as availability, security, and speed. Firstly, we need to choose a stable and reliable service provider to ensure the stability and reliability of the operation. Secondly, we need to consider the security of the service provider to ensure that data will not leak or be hacked. Finally, we need to choose cloud desktop computer service providers with high speed and bandwidth.


In conclusion, the cost of cloud desktop computers is not the only factor we consider when choosing them. We also need to consider other factors. Different cloud desktop computer service providers also provide different service plans, so we need to choose based on our own needs.

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