




What is Tencent’s ICP Authorization Code?

For people who want to operate a website in China, filing is an inevitable issue. During the filing process, Tencent’s ICP authorization code is an important concept.

Tencent’s ICP authorization code is a parameter that needs to be filled in during the filing process, also known as the filing access code. Every website needs to obtain a filing access code before filing. The filing access code is provided by Tencent Cloud to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of filing information.

The operation method of obtaining Tencent’s ICP authorization code is very simple. You only need to go to the Tencent Cloud official website for relevant inquiries and applications. By filling in the relevant information, the system will automatically generate a filing access code, and then use the code for filing operations. In addition, it should be noted that the validity period of Tencent’s ICP authorization code is 30 days, and it needs to be used in a timely manner when filling in filing information.

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