
Method One: Using Command Line

If you have access to the command line interface, then you can easily find the version number of MySQL installed on centos 7 by entering the command below:

mysql –version

Once you hit enter, the system will display the version number of the MySQL installed on your system.

Method Two: Utilizing phpmyadmin

If you have PhpMyAdmin installed on your centos 7 system, then finding the MySQL version number is quite easy. All you have to do is:

Launch your web browser and enter the following URL in the address bar: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

Enter your login credentials to access PhpMyAdmin.

Once you are logged in, look for the “Server” tab on the top of the screen and click on it.

Next, look for “MySQL” to locate the version number of MySQL installed on the CentOS 7 system.

Method Three: Using RPM Query Method

The RPM package management system is another way to check the version number of MySQL installed on your CentOS 7 system.

To do this, enter the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

 rpm -qa | grep mysql 

Once you hit enter, the system will display the installed version of MySQL. If nothing is displayed, it means that MySQL is not installed on your CentOS 7 system.


In this article, we have explored three different methods to check the version number of MySQL installed on a CentOS 7 system. Depending on your preference, you can choose any of the above-mentioned methods to find the information you require.

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