




China’s Video Cloud Market Tracking

In recent years, China’s video cloud market has been in a high-speed development state. According to relevant report data, as of 2021, the size of China’s video cloud market has exceeded 100 billion yuan, and it is expected to continue to maintain high-speed growth in the next few years. This is mainly due to the continuous development of Internet technology and the promotion of digital trends, making video cloud the preferred solution for more and more enterprises and individuals.

As a type of cloud computing service, video cloud mainly provides basic functions such as video storage, tran**ission, processing, and distribution, and also has advanced application functions such as HD video live broadcasting, on-demand video, cloud transcoding, and cloud editing, which meet the diversified needs of different industries and users for video processing. Especially after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferences, remote education, online entertainment and other fields have developed rapidly, driving the continued growth of the video cloud market.

In China’s video cloud market, domestic well-known cloud service providers such as Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, and Huawei Cloud are all involved, of which Tencent Cloud has the largest market share, and its series of products such as cloud live broadcasting, cloud video-on-demand, and cloud editing have a good reputation in the market. In addition, there are also some innovative enterprises focusing on the video cloud industry, such as Meipai Cloud, Miaopai Cloud, etc., which are further developing video cloud technology and application scenarios through continuous innovation.

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