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标签:深入探索linux4内核中的arch (linux4 内核 中的arch)

深入探索linux4内核中的arch (linux4 内核 中的arch)

Deep Dive into the Arch of Linux 4 Kernel Linux, the open-source operating system, has been around for several decades and is constantly evolving. One of the key elements that make Linux such a flexible and versatile platform is its kernel. The Linux kernel is the central component responsible for managing system resources and providing access to hardware devices. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the architecture of the Linux 4 kernel and explore how it works. Overview of Linux 4 Kernel Architecture The Linux 4 kernel is divided into several layers, each with its own responsibilities. The lowest layer is the hardware layer, which interacts with the physical hardware components such as the CPU, memory,...
