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跨境电商平台有哪些 跨境电商平台是指专门帮助企业实现跨境销售的电商平台,为卖家提供在线展示产品、交易、支付和物流等服务,同时为买家提供多样化的商品、便利的购物方式、安全的在线支付和高效的物流服务。下面是几个知名的跨境电商平台。 1.亚马逊 亚马逊是全球最大的在线购物商城之一,除了美国本土市场,其跨境电商业务也相当活跃。卖家可以通过亚马逊提供的FBA服务让商品全球配送,同时还有自营业务。买家可以享受海量商品、优质的商品质量和配合各地优惠券的低价购物。 1.Amazon Amazon is one of the largest online shopping malls in the world. In addition to the US domestic market, its cross-border e-commerce business is also quite active. Sellers can use Amazon’s FBA service to provide global distribution of goods, while self-operated business is also available. Buyers can enjoy mass products, high-quality product quality and low-cost shopping with coupons cooperated with various regions. 2.eBay eBay是全球领先的C2C和B2C电商平台之一,其跨境业务覆盖全球。卖家可以选择自营和第三方销售方式。买家可以通过eBay寻找到独特的商品和全球知名的品牌,同时也可以尝试使用竞拍购物方式。 2.eBay eBay is one of the world’s leading C2C and B2C e-commerce platforms, covering global cross-border business. Sellers can choose self-operated and third-party sales methods. Buyers can find unique products and globally renowned brands through eBay, while also trying to use auction shopping methods. 3.Alibaba 阿里巴巴是国内最大的综合性电商平台之一,其海外站点Alibaba.com则专门服务跨境贸易企业。卖家可通过Alibaba.com展示和销售中国的产品,吸引来自世界各地的采购商,也可通过平台寻找来自全球的优质供应商。 3.Alibaba Alibaba is one of...
