共 39 篇文章

标签:java 第4页

Oracle 28500让你快速成长的数据库管理系统(oracle-28500)

Oracle 28500: The Database Management System That Helps You Grow Quickly Oracle 28500 is a powerful database management system that can help users grow rapidly by providing comprehensive data management, high-performance analysis, and strong security features. As a valuable tool for businesses, it has become an essential instrument for many companies worldwide. With Oracle 28500, organizations can manage their data effectively and efficiently, enhancing their decision-making processes. The system provides a user-friendly interface, which makes it easier for users to create, manipulate, and test various SQL commands. Oracle 28500 also offers advanced analytics and reporting features that allow users to extract valuable insights from their data quickly. By using this system, businesses can reduce the time spent on data processing...


Oracle SHRO创新的数据库数据管理系统(oracle shr.o)

Oracle SHR.O: Innovative Database Management System Oracle SHR.O is a new database management system developed by Oracle Corporation, which is designed for use in high-performance computing and big data environments. It uses the latest technologies and algorithms to provide users with faster processing speeds, advanced analytics, and seamless scalability. One of the unique features of Oracle SHR.O is its ability to support both structured and unstructured data types. This is particularly useful in big data environments, where data is generated and collected from a variety of sources. The system also features a powerful indexing engine that enables users to quickly and easily search through millions of records in real-time. Oracle SHR.O was developed using a distributed architecture, which allows for...



Oracle 1096: The Pioneer Technology for Enterprise-level Database Management System Oracle1096 is a leading technology in Enterprise-level Database Management System. It’s an advanced system that has been in operation for years and offers unparalleled solutions to complex data-related problems. Oracle1096 offers numerous advantages over other database management systems. It provides superior management of large data sets, improves data storage and retrieval, and significantly lowers operational costs. One of the key features of Oracle1096 is its ability to handle massive volumes of data efficiently. Its advanced architecture ensures data is processed quickly and accurately, ensuring optimal performance. Its improved performance means faster data analytics, which translates to making better decisions quickly. Oracle1096 is highly scalable, and it allows administrators to add...


Secure Your Web Connection with Linux Webpage Authentication(linux网页认证)

The increasing complexity of the internet has necessitated the need for web page authentication for secure data transfer and transaction. This is also important for ensuring that only authorized personnel are granted access to sensitive information. Linux webpage authentication allows users to easily verify the identity of visitors to websites, using a simple login system. Linux webpage authentication allows webmasters to configure customized security settings for their specific needs. By using a username and password to access a website, webmasters can keep out unauthorized users from accessing and manipulating the site. This security system can also be applied to shared resources, such as file downloads, for additional protection. Linux coding is the crux of a secure web page authentication system....


让 Linux 掌握网络抓包技术:使用Jpcap(linuxjpcap)

most of the time, Linux users have to rely on third-party software to capture network packets. However, if you know a little bit about Linux and system programming, you can use Linux to capture network packets. In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the fundamentals of using Jpcap to capture network packets in Linux. First, we need to install Jpcap on our system. Jpcap can be installed via rpm package, via source package, or manually. In this tutorial, we will manually install it. Make sure to have the following pre-requisites installed on your machine. In case it miss something, install it by running the following command. $ sudo yum install libpcap libpcap-devel Now, download the source package of Jpcap...


鍏充簬 Android C璇�瑷� 寮�鍙慱鐧惧害鐭ラ亾 (linux c 招聘)

鍒氬ソ鏈�杩戞垜姝e湪瀛︿範android鍙�浠ュ府鍒颁綘銆� 1.JAVA寮�鍙戞槸Android鐨勫簲鐢ㄩ儴鍒� 2.C/C++璇�瑷�寮�鍙戞槸Android鏍稿績鐨勯儴鍒� Android鐨凜璇�瑷�鍏跺疄鏄�鎸囩殑Android搴曞眰鐨凩inux鍐呮牳寮�鍙戯紝鍒氬ソ浣犳槸瀛︿範Linux C璇�瑷�鐨勮繖鏍峰氨鏈夌敤姝︿箣鍦般�侫ndroid鐨勫簳灞傛槸鐢盠inux寮�鍙戜腑澶х殑锛屽苟寤虹珛鍦↙inux涔嬩笂鐨凧AVA铏氭嫙鏈烘潵瀹炵幇鐨勩�� 鎵�浠ヨ�佸�︿範Android C璇�瑷�鐨勫紑鍙戯紝寤鸿��鐪嬬湅銆夾ndroid绯荤粺鍘熺悊鍙婂紑鍙戣�佺偣璇﹁В銆嬬潃鏈�涔﹁�茬殑鍐呭�归兘鏄�搴曞眰鐨勫唴瀹癸紝涓�瀹氳�佷拱銆備笉杩嘕AVA璇�瑷�鐨勯儴鍒嗕篃涓�瀹氳�佺湅锛屽洜涓篊璇�瑷�鍋氱殑椹卞姩鏈�鍚庤繕鏄�闇�瑕佽�獼AVA铏氭嫙鏈鸿皟鐢ㄣ�� 鍙﹀�栬�佸仛AndroidC璇�瑷�寮�鍙戣繕闇�瑕佹敞鎰忎竴涓嬪嚑鐐癸細 1.闇�瑕佽喘涔板紑鍙戞澘鏉ュ�︿範锛屾垨鑰呭紑婧愮殑鍗栬殏绔栨墜鏈猴紝杩欐牱鍙�浠ョ洿瑙傜殑浜嗚В椹卞姩鐨勮繍浣滄ā寮忓拰鏈夋晥璋冭瘯 2.闇�瑕佷笅杞絘ndroid婧愪唬鐮侊紝鍥犱负Android SDK寮�鍙戞槸涓嶄細鐢ㄥ埌鐗╂�楥璇�瑷�鐨� 3.android鐨凬DK寮�鍙戝叾瀹炰篃鏄疌/C++璇�瑷�璋冪敤涓�浜涘嚱鏁版潵瀹炵幇锛屽缓璁�涔熺湅 4.鏈�鍚庤繖涓�缃戝潃鍙�浠ュ幓鐪嬶紝澶氭槸璁插簳灞傝祫鏂欑殑锛� 寤鸿��锛� 1.JAVA杩樻槸瑕佺湅鐨� 2.寤鸿��寰�Android搴曞眰纭�浠跺紑鍙戣蛋 c璇�瑷�鍙�浠ヨ嚜宸辨搷鎺х‖浠讹紝鑰孉NDROID搴旂敤鏃禞AVA寮�鍙戯紝鎵�浠ュ畠瑕佸�瑰簳灞傛ā鍧楄繘琛屾帶鍒讹紝閭e氨蹇呴』鍊熷姪C鍜孋++鐨勭被搴擄紝瀛欓攢鎼忚繖浜涚被搴撶洿鎺ヨ兘鎺у埗搴曞眰纭�浠躲�傝�孞AVA涓庤繖浜汣/C++鐨勫簱涔嬮棿鐨勮仈绯诲氨鐢ㄥ埌JNI,鍗虫湰鍦版帴鍙c�傜敱浜庡簳灞傜殑璁捐�$洿鎺ュ奖鍝嶅埌JAVA灞傛�嗘灦鍒欑ゥ璁捐�紝鎵�浠ワ紝鎴戣�夊緱浣犲彲浠ュ厛浜嗚ВJAVA妗嗘灦涓婄殑ANDROID搴旂敤銆傛枟闂风劧鍚庡啀杩涗竴姝ュ仛搴曞眰鐨勪笢瑗裤�傦紙鑷�宸辩悊瑙g殑锛� zx 瑕佹牴鎹�浣犲簲鑱樺矖浣�,瀹為檯宸ヤ綔,鍚勪釜棰嗗煙闇�瑕佽ˉ鍏呯殑涓撲笟鐭ヨ瘑涔熸槸涓嶄竴鏍风殑. 相关问题拓展阅读: linux c 招聘的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于linux c 招聘,鍏充簬 Android C璇�瑷� 寮�鍙慱鐧惧害鐭ラ亾的信息别忘了在本站进行查找喔。


如何优化 Java 的 GC 性能

这个问题的答案取决于具体的场景和需求。一般来说,有以下几个方面可以考虑: 监控 GC 的状态和结果,分析 GC 的频率、耗时、暂停时间、内存使用率等指标,判断是否需要优化 GC。 根据应用的特点和性能目标,选择合适的 GC 类型和参数。Java 提供了多种 GC 算法和垃圾回收器,如 Serial、Parallel、CMS、G1 等,每种都有自己的优缺点和适用场景。GC 参数包括堆内存大小、新生代和老年代的比例、触发 GC 的阈值等,可以通过 -Xms、-Xmx、-XX:NewRatio 等参数来设置。 测试和比较不同的 GC 类型和参数的效果,选择性能最优的组合,然后应用到所有的服务器上。 优化应用程序的代码,减少不必要的对象创建和引用,避免内存泄漏,提高对象复用率,降低 GC 的压力。



1.原子性 原子性表示线程在操作变量时,要不全部成功,要不全部失败,没有中间状态。也就是说现在有两个线程,线程A,线程B。线程A在对data变量做++(或者其他)操作的时候,线程B是没有办法影响到线程A的这个操作。只有当线程A做完了这个操作之后,线程B才能够对data变量做其他的操作。 但是比较遗憾的是,因为在多线程中,线程操作都是都是工作内存中的变量数据,在这种线程隔离的情况下,是不具备原子性的。也就是说线程A跟线程B是同时可以操作data变量。如线程A在对data变量做“++”操作的时候,线程B同样可以对data变量做“++”操作。所以我们需要借助其他的方式来保证原子性。 2.可见性 可见性指当一个线程修改了共享变量的值,其它线程能够立即得知这个修改。Java 内存模型是通过在变量修改后将新值同步回主内存,在变量读取前从主内存刷新变量值来实现可见性的。 Java提供了volatile关键字来保证可见性。当一个共享变量被volatile修饰时,它会保证修改的值会立即被更新到主存,当有其他线程需要读取时,它会去内存中读取新值。 另外,通过synchronized和Lock也能够保证可见性,synchronized和Lock能保证同一时刻只有一个线程获取锁然后执行同步代码,并且在释放锁之前会将对变量的修改刷新到主存当中。 3.有序性 有序性指的是从源代码到编译运行的过程中,会有多种重排序的指令发生。重排序的目的是为了更快的去执行代码,提高代码效率。但是在多线程的情况下,胡乱的重排序会导致最终的运行结果跟原始代码运行的结果不一样。这样的代码部署到生产环境很容易造成重大事故。而有序性就是为了解决这种问题,禁止重排序来保证程序的顺序执行。

高性能搜索框架Jkes-国外主机测评 - 国外VPS,国外服务器,国外云服务器,测评及优惠码


 Jkes是一个基于Java、Kafka、ElasticSearch的高性能搜索框架。它提供了注解驱动的JPA风格的对象/文档映射,使用rest api用于文档查询。单机全量索引TPS 15000,查询时延数毫秒,秒级实时更新。 通过使用Jkes注解驱动的索引功能,可以简化搜索业务的开发,使普通开发人员在无需搜索相关背景知识下,能够快速迭代搜索业务。 原理:
