共 1 篇文章

标签:Linux路由表添加下一跳地址 (linux添加路由信息下一跳地址)

Linux路由表添加下一跳地址 (linux添加路由信息下一跳地址)

Introduction Linux operating systems are known for their robustness, scalability, and security. One of the key features of Linux systems is the flexibility offered by the netfilter/iptables framework, which allows system administrators to set up packet filtering rules to control network traffic. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to add a next-hop address to the Linux routing table. We will start by explning the concept of a routing table, and then we will move on to the procedure for adding a next-hop address. Routing Table When a packet is sent from one device to another, it typically traverses multiple network devices (e.g., switches, routers) before reaching its destination. Each device that the packet passes through needs to know how...
