Dynamic library loading in Linux is an essential part of the operating system. It is a feature that allows programs to access certain components of the operating system at runtime without having to link to them when they are compiled. This makes it easier to bundle programs together more efficiently and make better use of the available memory and processor resources. This feature is made possible using functions called __entry__. These functions provide a convenience for program developers. It allows them to register functions and variables in the library so that they can be used by other programs at runtime. All library functions and variables must be registered with the __entry__ function before they can be used. The most common...
Passwords are a key method of restricting user access to Linux systems. Restrictions are generally established by setting a limit on the number of failed unsuccessful login attempts. Usually, the login attempts that exceeds this limit, the account is then locked and reset. The limit, also known as “Limit”, is specified in the /etc/security/limits.conf file. When setting up the Limit, administrators typically set a soft limit and a hard limit. The soft limit indicates the maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts that are tried before the account is locked. On the other hand, the hard limit is useful for preventing too many unsuccessful login attempts because it acts as an absolute account lockout. In order to set up a Limit,...
Threads enable applications to maximize utilization of computing resources and increase throughput. Multithreaded applications, also known as multitasking, increase resource efficiency and provide application responsiveness by allowing processes to run concurrently. With the development of Linux, executing and managing threads has become much easier. Mastering multithreaded applications with Linux is becoming increasingly important for the developers of today. Starting with the basics, it’s important to understand how Linux enables applications to run concurrently. To achieve this, Linux takes advantage of a concept called preemptive multitasking. It works by dividing the CPU into multiple “time slices” and allowing multiple processes to work in parallel. Preemptive multitasking ensures that applications get their share of the processor cycles, allowing them to run in...
The Linux Scripting language is a powerful tool that can be used to automate complex tasks. With its simple syntax and powerful capabilities, it allows users to complete tasks quickly and efficiently. When it comes to mastering Linux Scripting, there are a few tips and techniques that should be kept in mind. Here are some of the top tips and techniques that can help you maximize your scripting time and increase your productivity as a Linux user. 1. Understand the Basics: Before trying to write complex scripts, it is essential to understand the basics of the scripting language. The more familiar you are with basic scripting concepts, the easier it will be to create and optimize your scripts. 2. Learn...
Linux provides different ways to terminate an unresponsive process, which can range from easy to complex. One of them is the Linux Kill 3 command – which is versatile, easy to use and offers various options to perform specific tasks. The ‘kill’ command, which functions within its own programs, can be used to send signals to other processes. By using the kill command, you can terminate an unresponsive process and make the system more responsive. The syntax of the kill command is as follows: $ kill -SIGNAL PID Here, -SIGNAL: A signal number or signal name PID: Process ID For instance, to terminate a process with a PID of 890, the command for it would be: $ kill -9 890...
Linux is an open-source operating system developed by a global community of programmers. It’s an efficient, powerful, secure and stable operating system that can run on almost any hardware. It’s fast, reliable, and versatile, making it one of the most popular operating systems in the world. It’s no wonder so many people are drawn to its power and flexibility. One of the most engaging ways to explore the power of Linux is through the interactive world of Taz, a unique and powerful graphical user interface (GUI) for the Linux operating system. Taz gives users a whole new level of accessibility to the Linux platform, providing them with an interactive way to learn about and configure their system. Taz is available...
Linux C programming is a powerful and versatile language that can create powerful and versatile applications. One of the most important aspects of a successful C program is the efficient use of files, as they are essential for storing and retrieval of information. To maximize the efficiency of file management in Linux C programming, there are a few important considerations that must be taken into account. The first consideration is the usage of a relevant file system. There are several different file systems available such as reiserfs, ext2, and ext3. It is important to choose the right file system for the task at hand as each one has its own pros and cons. For example, reiserfs is more reliable and...
Linux is an operating system that has gained popularity in recent years. Its open-source nature allows users to easily customize and tailor the system to their specific needs. One of its important features is the Linux ISATAP. Linux ISATAP is the Integrated Services Access Tool, a protocol designed to enable communication over IP on a Linux-based system. It is designed to be easy to use and provides a great level of security and scalability. Using the Linux ISATAP allows a computer to connect with other computers or network elements using a single cable connection. This means that sending and receiving data can be done quickly, reliably and securely. It also offers a great level of privacy and encryption as all...
Having trouble trying to install Linux on your machine? You’re not alone. Many have found themselves stuck in this endless loop of trying to install Linux, only to have the operating system fail without any explanation. The problem is Linux’s reliance on a wide range of hardware and software, which can be difficult to properly configure. The first step when tackling any Linux installation problem is to determine what hardware you’re running. Consult your device’s manual and make sure you know exactly what hardware you’re dealing with before moving forward. This is especially important when it comes to figuring out which drivers you need to install Linux. Once you’ve identified your hardware, you can take the necessary steps to get...
As a system administrator, often times you need to control the Linux kernel. Linux systems, like most operating systems, have built-in command-line utilities and libraries to help you with this task. One of the most popular commands in Linux is “ctl”, which is a command-line utility that lets you control various parts of the Linux kernel. The ctl command has a lot of options and parameters that can be used to control different parts of the Linux system, but it can be difficult to know exactly how to use them. That’s why it’s important to master the ctl command. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the ctl command and...