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标签:Linux555只能读取文件,无法修改——详解只读模式 (linux555是只读)

Linux555只能读取文件,无法修改——详解只读模式 (linux555是只读)

Linux 555 can only read files and cannot modify them – an in-depth explanation of read-only mode Linux is a highly popular and versatile operating system, widely used in servers, supercomputers, embedded systems, and personal computers. One of its defining features is the powerful and flexible file system, which allows users to store, organize, and access data in various ways. However, sometimes users need to restrict the ability to modify files, either to protect them from accidental or malicious changes, or to ensure their integrity, consistency, or compatibility. In Linux, this can be achieved by using the read-only mode, which sets the permissions of a file or folder to 555, meaning that only the owner and other users can read...
