共 13 篇文章

标签:nali 第2页

路走过,Linux 操控引导之旅(linux启动引导)

Linux操控引导之旅, has been a journey of discovery and exploration for many, including myself. After learning about the wonders of operating systems, I decided to take the plunge and learn the Linux command line. Getting started with Linux command-line meant understanding the basics of Linux. Learning to become familiar with the terminal, the different types of commands, and navigating the directories was the first step. After getting comfortable with the basics, I began to explore the more intense tasks such as setting up a file server and seeing the power of script automation. But it wasn’t just about writing code and learning how to navigate the Linux command-line, I also discovered how to customize my terminal and make it look the...



山东BGP NAT VPS 山东省作为我国重要的制造业大省,其对于网络带宽的需求越来越高。而在这个背景下,山东BGP NAT VPS的出现,则让很多企业和个人用户受益匪浅。 What is ShanDong BGP NAT VPS? ShanDong BGP NAT VPS is a virtual private server that utilizes BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) and NAT (Network Address Translation) technologies to provide users with better Internet connectivity. BGP is a protocol used by routers to exchange routing information and make routing decisions, while NAT allows multiple hosts on a private network to share a single public IP address. Combined, these two technologies can improve the performance and reliability of Internet connections for users in ShanDong, China. Why Choose ShanDong BGP NAT VPS? There are several reasons why users in ShanDong might choose to use BGP NAT VPS: Improved Network Performance: BGP NAT VPS can provide users with...

nali小工具安装与使用-国外主机测评 - 国外VPS,国外服务器,国外云服务器,测评及优惠码


nali,名字取自中文“哪里”的拼音。 nali包含一组命令行程序,其主要功能就是把一些网络工具的输出的IP字符串,附加上地理位置信息(使用纯真数据库)。 例如218.65.137.1会变成218.65.137.1[广西南宁市 电信]。 查询是在本地进行,并不会进行联网查询,所以效率方面不会有什么影响。 目前包含以下几个命令: nali nali-dig nali-nslookup nali-traceroute nali-tracepath nali-ping 使用这些命令的前提是,他们对应的命令必须存在。例如你要用nali-dig,必须保证dig是存在的。他们的用法和原始命令是一样的。例如nali-dig,用法就和dig一样。 大家可能注意到了nali这个命令,它可以对标准输出的IP串附加上地理信息。nali-*系列工具都是基于这个来实现的。 下载 wget http://qqwry.googlecode.com/files/nali-0.1.tar.gz 或是用本站下载地址:wget www.ileiming.com/download/nali-0.1.tar.gz 安装 ./configure –prefix=/usr make make install 使用: nali,nali-dig,nali-nslookup,nali-traceroute,nali-tracepath,nali-ping这些命令的使用方法和前面不带nali-的其实是一样的,如:nali-nslookup www.baidu.com nsli-ping www.ileiming.com 当然,如果你觉得这样输入比较麻烦,nali也支持alias alias ping=’nali-ping’ 然后你就可以直接用ping www.ileiming.com就能达到nali-ping www.ileiming.com的效果 alias虽然能达到效果,但这个只是暂时的,如果你退出了远程的路控制台,重新登陆后,用ping命令依然不会显示这样的效果,必须再次输入alias ping=’nali-ping’才行
