
Modern technology has changed the way we interact with computers, enabling us to quickly carry out tasks that were previously impossible or incredibly difficult. This has lead to a surge in popularity and usage of Linux, which is currently the most popular open source computer operating system.

Linux is an incredibly powerful tool, providing users with a wide array of features, including a command line interface which provides access to powerful features. While Linux has become increasingly user friendly, it can still be intimidating to those just starting out. This guide will provide you with all the help you need in order to start using Linux via the command line.

The first step is to install your version of Linux. Depending on your needs, you may need to find the right version for your system, or decide whether you will be using a Desktop Environment or a distribution like ubuntu. Once your Linux is installed and running, you will be able to access the command line by typing “terminal” in the search bar.

Once in the command line, you will be greeted with a variety of options which include launching applications, managing files and managing system settings. You will be able to do most of these tasks via the command line and start a variety of programs or scripts. An example of this would be launching Firefox, which can be accomplished by typing “firefox” in the terminal and pressing enter.

You may also need to navigate through the directory system. To do this, you will need to use the “cd” command followed by a directory path. So if you wanted to navigate to the “Downloads” directory, you would input “cd Downloads”.

If you ever get stuck in a command line, the most useful tool you have at your disposal is the “help” command. By typing in “help” you will be able to access a list of all the available commands on the system.

Although the command line interface may seem intimidating at first, it is actually one of Linux’s most powerful features and is incredibly easy to use once you get the hang of it. Following this guide, you should be able to get started quickly and use Linux via the command line with confidence.

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