storage利用Linux DG存储打造超高性能IT环境(linuxdg)

lately, businesses often turn to Data General多存储存储系统, 来打造扩展当前的IT环境,在存储方面的性能非常出色。相比其他存储系统,Linux DG使用远程对象存储技术,为企业提供更丰富的容量,更高的可用性和更大的性能。

Linux DG的定位能力使企业能够扩展到多个机架,从而可以将存储置于最优的位置,这样能够更容易控制访问和改善存储容量。

此外,Linux DG能够支持以太网和 Infiniband双网络,以传输数据,而无论是同步复制还是热故障切换,Linux DG都能确保故障转移完成得更快更准确。

任何组织都需要保证其数据的安全性,Linux DG支持系统中许多加密功能,以确保数据的完整性和安全性。

此外,Linux DG支持多种类型的应用程序,可以在不同的操作系统环境中使用。 这些应用程序可以使用DG的C++和Java API函数,快速构建高性能应用程序,使企业能够从更大程度上利用他们的存储系统。

另外,通过Linux DG,可以更方便地为容器技术提供存储保护。例如,使用Firecracker容器技术,可以使用Linux DG的提供的API,在Kubernetes Pod中管理存储,从而更容易部署应用程序,并在任何情况下保护数据。

总之,Linux DG存储系统可以显著改善企业的存储性能,提高企业的可用性,并保障数据的安全性,以创建超高性能的IT环境。


Using Linux DG Storage to Create Super High Performance IT Environments


Data General存储系统 has become a popular choice for businesses looking to expand their IT environments by significantly improving their storage capabilities for a wide variety of applications. Linux DG makes use of remote object storage technology to provide businesses with greater capacity, higher availability and larger performance than other available options.

Location-aware Storage

With Linux DG, businesses can expand across multiple racks, affording them the ability to locates storage in the optimal spot for both easier access as well as improved storage capacity. Additionally, Linux DG supports both Ethernet and Infiniband networks for data transfers, ensuring faster and more accurate failover with either synchronous replication or hot failover.


Any organization needs to be able to ensure the security of its data, and Linux DG supports a variety of encryption features built into the system to ensure data integrity and security.

Application Support

Linux DG supports a number of application types that are usable under various operating system environments. These applications can make use of DG’s C++ and Java APIs to build high-performance applications quickly, enabling businesses to get more out of their storage systems.

Container Support

Additionally, with Linux DG, it’s easier to provide storage protections for container technologies. For example, by using the Firecracker container technology, the Linux DG APIs can be used to manage storage within Kubernetes Pods, making it easier to deploy applications and protect data under any situation.


Ultimately, Linux DG storage systems can dramatically improve business storage performance, increase availability and protect data to create a super high performance IT environment.

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文章名称:《storage利用Linux DG存储打造超高性能IT环境(linuxdg)》