
Linux is a popular open-source operating system that is used in many web applications. Many web users prefer to use Linux due to its stability and its ability to run a wide variety of software. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the command line interface (CLI) of the Linux system and some of the basic commands you will need to make full use of the web-based resources that Linux offers.

To begin, open up a terminal window and you will be presented with the command line prompt. This is where you can type in commands to perform different functions. The easiest way to navigate around the command line is through the use of the ‘help’ command. Typing help will display a list of all the available commands and you can then type in specific commands to get more information.

Once you have familiarized yourself with the commands and have decided which ones you will need, you can use them to perform web-related functions. To use a Linux web server, you will first need to install a web server application and assign it a unique port number. The most popular web server applications are Apache, Lighttpd, and Nginx. Once you have installed the web server application and assigned it a port, you can then type ‘http://localhost:’ into your web-browser to access the web-server.

You can also use the command line to access the MySQL database. To use MySql, you will need to install the Mysql client application and then you can use the ‘mysql’ command to access the database. You can then create databases and create tables by using the ‘create’ command. In addition, you can retrieve, update and delete data from the database with the ‘select’, ‘update’ and ‘delete’ commands.

The command line interface of Linux also allows you to control and manage web applications such as wordpress and Drupal. To do this, you will need to install the necessary software package and then you can use the ‘wp’ and ‘drupal’ commands to manage and configure the applications.

Finally, you can use the ‘man’ command to view the manual pages for each command. This is especially useful if you are not familiar with the syntax of the commands.

Using the commands and software packages available through the command line in Linux, web users can make full use of the web-based resources that Linux provides. With the right commands, you can quickly set up and manage web applications and access databases.

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