The Different Branches of Linux(linux的分支)

Linux is an open source operating system. It was originally developed by a Finnish student, Linus Torvalds, in the early 1990s. Linux has gone on to become one of the most widely used operating systems in the world, powering everything from smartphones to smart TVs.

There are many different branches of Linux, each with its own unique purpose. These include; mainline, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, and many more.

Mainline is the original version of Linux developed by Torvalds. It is the underlying core of all other branches of Linux and is considered the reference platform.

Debian is a popular Linux distribution built around a set of guidelines called the Debian Free Software Guidelines. It is used in a wide range of applications including web servers and cloud computing. Debian is also the base of many other Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu.

Fedora is an RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) based Linux distribution developed by Red Hat. It is known for its advanced software selection, security, and stability. Fedora is a popular choice for those looking for a general purpose operating system.

Ubuntu is a distribution based on Debian, which is optimized for desktop usage. Many users prefer Ubuntu due to its ease of use, wide range of packages and its free software ethos.

Arch Linux is an independently developed, lightweight and flexible Linux distribution. It is designed to be used as a ‘rolling release’ system, meaning that users can always get the latest packages, without needing to upgrade the whole system.

There are many other branches of Linux such as Gentoo, Slackware and CentOS which each have their own use-case.

The various branches of Linux are all designed with their own strengths and weaknesses in mind. Depending on what you are looking for, one may be more suitable than another. For most users, a general purpose distribution, such as Ubuntu or Fedora, should provide enough flexibility to meet their needs.

Every Linux distribution includes the Linux Kernel, which is the core of the operating system. All the branches of Linux share this kernel, but they also include different tools, programs and applications to give them different flavors. For example, Ubuntu and Fedora both include GNOME, a desktop graphical interface, while Arch Linux is more suited to users who are comfortable with using the command-line applications.

To sum up, Linux has many different branches that come with their own flavors and use-cases. Depending on the user’s needs, they can choose the most appropriate branch and customize the system to their liking.

Linux is an incredible open source dedicated operating system and there’s no doubt that its branches provide abundant choice for developers.

// Sample code for running a Linux kernel 
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *kernel_name;
// Detect the kernel name
kernel_name = detect_kernel()
// Load the kernel
return 0;
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文章名称:《The Different Branches of Linux(linux的分支)》