利用SQL Server表属性发挥最大效益(sqlserver表属性)

Nowadays, the amount of data stored in a database server is increasing everyday. In order to take full advantage of the server’s resources and function, it is important to correctly use the SQL Server table attribute to maximize their utility.

Firstly, an appropriate table definition should be chosen according to data characteristics. Carefully considering data characteristics and focusing on optimizing storage space, we can choose a data definition process. Here, we need to decide on the key results needed and decide the order of these results. For example, if the data contains large amounts of numeric values, numeric data types should be used; if character values are to be stored and have strong popularity, the char-type data should be used to store data. In addition, the definitions of target columns, unique constraints, indexes and so on need to pay attention to the setting of the maximum length of columns and other settings.

Secondly, to execute the “Rules of Space Reaching” for the SQL Server table attribute. Whenever a new index is added, appropriate data compression needs to be used so that stored data is as small as possible, thereby saving as much storage space as possible. There are 3 types of data compression supported in SQL Server, including row-level compression, page-level compression, and columnstore index compression.

Thirdly, pay attention to the usage of default values, which can be set to “default values” for a specific column of the table. In this way, when the data to be entered is not specified, the default value can still be filled by the database, thereby avoiding some faults caused by empty data.

Finally, using SQL Server we can also create and manage a user-defined view, which can be used to limit user access to the table, increase the protections of sensitive data, and reduce the pressure on a single table.

By using these methods to the maximum, we can use the SQL Server table attribute to get the most of out of this server. This will ensure efficient storage and utilization of the data stored in the server.

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文章名称:《利用SQL Server表属性发挥最大效益(sqlserver表属性)》