Linux: Mastering Efficient Column Operations in 25 Words(linux列操作)

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linux: Mastering Efficient Column Operations in 25 Words

When working with data in Linux, efficient column operations are crucial. Here are 25 words to master the most basic column operations with the Linux command line:

1. cut: Select specific columns from a file using delimiters.

2. awk: An advanced tool for selecting and manipulating columns.

3. sed: An editor that can be used to select and manipulate columns.

4. grep: Useful for filtering out specific rows/columns based on a pattern.

5. sort: Sorts columns in ascending or descending order.

6. uniq: Removes duplicated values from a column.

7. tr: Used for replacing characters in a column with other characters.

8. paste: Merges columns from different files.

Example usage:

To select columns 1 and 4 from a file with a comma delimiter, use:

cut -d’,’ -f1,4 file.csv

To add a prefix to every value in column 3 of a file, use:

awk ‘{print “prefix” $3}’ file.csv

To remove all spaces from a column, use:

sed ‘s/ //g’ file.csv

To find all rows where column 2 contains the word ‘apple’, use:

grep ‘apple’ file.csv

To sort a column in descending order, use:

sort -rk2 file.csv

To remove duplicated values from column 1, use:

uniq -c file.csv

To replace all occurrences of the character ‘a’ with ‘b’ in column 2, use:

tr ‘a’ ‘b’

To merge columns 2 and 3 from two files, use:

paste file1.csv file2.csv | cut -f2,3

By mastering these simple column operations, working with data in Linux becomes much easier and more efficient.

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文章名称:《Linux: Mastering Efficient Column Operations in 25 Words(linux列操作)》