



Bare Metal Cloud Introduction

Bare metal cloud refers to cloud computing services based on bare metal servers. Bare metal servers differ from traditional cloud computing virtualization in that they no longer run virtual machines, but rather run applications directly. Therefore, bare metal cloud provides higher performance, lower latency, and greater security.

The advantage of bare metal cloud lies in its flexibility. Since bare metal cloud does not need to accept the limitations of virtualization technology, customers can customize server configurations and operating systems based on their actual needs. In addition, bare metal cloud has stronger isolation. Due to the lack of “neighbor effects” in virtualization technology, computing and storage resources between different users can be truly isolated, thereby reducing security risks.




Applicable Scenarios for Bare Metal Cloud

Bare metal cloud is suitable for large enterprises and Internet companies because they require a certain level of technical expertise to manage hardware. In addition, enterprises that require high-performance computing or large-scale data processing should prioritize bare metal cloud.

Bare metal cloud is suitable for fast network storage that serves as part of a high-performance data processing architecture. Since visualization of computed data requires high-performance storage capabilities, pure CPU and GPU clusters cannot meet requirements. Additionally, for enterprises that require large-scale data processing, bare metal cloud is better and faster than traditional virtualized cloud computing. In such a case, bare metal cloud can provide a more efficient solution than traditional cloud computing.

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