Linux perror: Understanding and Troubleshooting Error Codes(linuxperror)

linux perror is an important command used to troubleshoot and understand error codes produced by other Linux commands. It is sometimes referred to as a “system call”. The perror command is used to display a description or explanation of a particular error code. It is used to determine the cause of the error and to provide a solution to the problem.

Linux perror is used in two ways. First, you can use it to view the description of a specific error code. For example, if you get a “file not found” error message, you can use the Linux perror command to view the explanation for this error. Second, you can also use the perror command to troubleshoot and investigate an error code through its cause and effect.

In order to view the description of a specific error code, run the perror command followed by an error code number. For example, if you receive an “invalid argument” error code with a value of 254, you can use the Linux perror command to view the explanation for this error by typing the following command:

perror 254

The Linux perror command will display the description for the error code 254 which is “invalid argument”. It will also display the source of the error code and the type of error it is. In this case, it is a system call.

The Linux perror command is also used to troubleshoot and investigate error codes based on their cause and effect. In order to do this, you must first identify the source of the error code and then view all the related error codes by using the perror command. For example, if the source of an error code is a library or an external command, you can use the Linux perror command to display all the error codes related to that source.

For example, if an error code was triggered by a library, you can use the Linux perror command to display all the error codes related to that library by typing the following command:

perror -l library_name

This command will display all the error codes related to the specified library.

In conclusion, the Linux perror command is an important tool for troubleshooting and understanding error codes. It can be used to view the explanation for a specific error code, as well as to troubleshoot and investigate an error code based on its cause and effect. By using the perror command, you can identify the source of an error and view all the related error codes. This makes it easier to fix problems related to system calls and libraries.

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文章名称:《Linux perror: Understanding and Troubleshooting Error Codes(linuxperror)》