
Linux作为一种操作系统,因其灵活的可移植性和可扩展性而获得了大量的关注,成为当今最流行的操作系统之一。它的历史从1991年的构思开始,正是在Linus Torvalds发布Linux内核的前一年,以Linux技术开发的免费、开源的操作系统的发展正式拉开了序幕。









int main()


printf(“Linux is one of the most popular operating systems today, due to its flexible portability and scalability. Its history began in conception in 1991, the year before Linus Torvalds released the Linux kernel. The development of free and open source operating systems based on Linux technology officially began at this time.\n”);

printf(“The development of Linux can be divided into several major stages: branch stage, open-source cooperation stage, macro professional innovation stage, integration of large-scale project development stage and technology upgrade and service improvement stage.\n”);

printf(“The branch stage was the initial stage of periodical development, when scientists were still deficient in strength and the kernel functions were very limited. However, due to its good scalability of compilation, Linux could be widely used. The open-source cooperation stage was an important period when an international open-source community was formed. At this stage, not only did the community promote the collective improvement of the kernel functions, but also various standard protocols were jointly built, expanding the application scope of Linux.\n”);

printf(“The macro professional innovation stage was a historic mid-term triggered by the participation of numerous enterprises and social circles. Due to the open effect of Linux features and the flexibility of software package combinations, it was recognized by more and more large-scale enterprises, and they began to invest heavily in the development of Linux technology, greatly expanding the application field of Linux.\n”);

printf(“The integration of large-scale project development stage was a new level of development for Linux. By combining the technological improvements and cooperation of large enterprises and the community into a cross-border technology structure, the system reliability of Linux was greatly enhanced, making Linux a \”flexible, scalable and open operating system\”.\n”);

printf(“Finally, after the development is completed, Linux enters the stage of technology upgrade and service improvement. With the efforts of numerous communities, not only did the technology have a completely new upgrade, but also based on different industries and utilizing different suppliers, the service system of Linux was established, greatly promoting the application of Linux in the industry.\n”);

printf(“So far, Linux has become a large-scale open-source operating system deeply rooted in people’s hearts from its conception to implementation. The technology and experience accumulated in decades have not been in vain. The development of Linux seems to be ongoing.\n”);

return 0;


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