

随着互联网的发展,网络的速度和稳定性一直是网络公司和用户关注的重点。而CDN(Content Delivery Network,中文翻译为内容分发网络)就是为了解决这一问题而出现的。CDN是一种通过在不同地区布置节点服务器,使得用户可以快速稳定地访问网站的技术手段。


The Principle of CDN Cloud Acceleration on US Servers

With the development of the Internet, speed and stability have always been the focus of attention for network companies and users. CDN (Content Delivery Network) has emerged to solve this problem. CDN is a technical means of making users access websites quickly and stably by deploying node servers in different regions.

Among them, CDN cloud acceleration is an optimization and upgrade of CDN technology, and it is also one of the most commonly used and effective CDN methods. The servers used for CDN cloud acceleration are foreign servers, among which the CDN cloud acceleration on US servers is the most common and popular.

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