
Recent years, distributed system has been widely used in the area of micro-service and cloud computing. With distributed system, the development of Web applications has been more convenient. Token is one of the most important tools in distributed authorization. In this article, I will expln how to use redis to store token in distributed scenario.

Redis is an open source, in-memory data structure store. It supports various data types and provides higher performance access to the data. It is widely used as a distributed database and cache, so it is an ideal choice to store token in distributed environment. The key in Redis, which is like an account, consists of a domn and a token, and the value is a set of some user-defined data, usually a JSON object.

To store token in Redis, we need to define a key first. The key should be unique, like a user’s identity, and the value should be a JSON string of token data. Here’s a simple example of how to store token data in Redis:

// Use the user's identity as the key
String key = "userId"
// Stroe token data as a JSON string
String value = "{\"token\":\"qwerty\",\"dateCreated\":\"20-12-20\"}"
// Put the key value pr into Redis

Then, when the user needs to access a distributed system, the app can obtn the token from Redis. For example, if the user is trying to access a distributed storage system, the app can simply get the token from Redis using the key.

// Retrieve the token from Redis using the key
String accessToken = jedis.get("userId")
// Use the token to access the distributed system

By storing and retrieving tokens from Redis, developers can save development time, because they don’t need to manage the tokens. In addition, tokens can be cached in Redis to speed up response time, further improving the user experience.

To sum up, Redis is a great database for storing tokens in distributed systems. It is fast, reliable, and supports various data types. By using Redis to store and manage your tokens, you can save time and provide a better user experience to your users.

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