如何获取VPN服务器? (Vpn服务器怎么获取)

In today’s connected world, security and privacy are becoming increasingly important. Whether you are a business owner trying to keep your communications confidential or an individual who wants to keep your online activity private, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can help. A VPN is a secure connection between your computer and the internet, which creates an encrypted tunnel that shields your data from prying eyes. But how do you get a VPN server? Here we’ll explore some of the options for obtning a VPN server.

1. Set up your own VPN server

One option is to set up your own VPN server. This requires some technical knowledge and can be time-consuming, but it gives you complete control over your VPN. You can choose what hardware and software to use, configure it to your exact specifications and be confident in the level of security it provides. To set up your own VPN server, you will need a dedicated server that can be rented from a hosting provider. There are many hosting providers avlable and costs can vary widely depending on the specifications of the server you choose.

2. Use a VPN provider

Another option is to use a VPN provider. This is the most popular and easiest way to get a VPN server. VPN providers offer fast, secure and easy-to-use VPN services that allow you to access the internet anonymously and without restrictions. They typically offer a wide range of servers in different countries, giving you access to geo-restricted content such as Netflix, Hulu or BBC iPlayer. Prices vary, but they are generally affordable and can be pd on a monthly or annual basis.

3. Purchase pre-configured VPN hardware

If you don’t have the technical expertise to set up your own VPN server, you can purchase pre-configured VPN hardware. These are essentially routers that come pre-installed with VPN software and are optimized to deliver fast and secure VPN connections. All you need to do is plug in the router, select your VPN server and connect to the internet. These devices can be expensive, but they offer an easy way to get a VPN server without needing any technical knowledge.

4. Create a virtual VPN server using virtualization software

Finally, you can create a virtual VPN server using virtualization software. This option requires some technical expertise, but it can be a cost-effective way to get a VPN server. Virtualization software allows you to create a virtual machine that acts like a physical machine, allowing you to install and configure VPN software just as you would on a real server. The advantage of this option is that you can run multiple virtual machines on the same hardware, saving you money on server costs.


Getting a VPN server doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Whether you choose to set up your own VPN server, use a VPN provider, purchase pre-configured VPN hardware or create a virtual VPN server using virtualization software, there are plenty of options avlable. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to weigh them up and choose the one that best meets your needs.

In summary, by following the above guidelines and using the appropriate equipment, you can easily obtn a VPN server and protect your data, privacy and online activity.


  • 教你如何组建VPN(虚拟专网)网络


VPN(Virtual Private Network,虚拟专用网络)是专用网络的延伸,它包含了类似 Internet



  1. 开始配置:要想缺迅让Win2K计算机能接受客户机的VPN拨入,必须对VPN服务器进行配置。在左边窗口中选中”SERVER”(服务器名),在其上单击右键,选”配置并启用路由和远程访问”(图1)。



  3. 当进入配置向导之后,在”公共设置”中,点选中”虚拟专用网络(VPN)服务器”,以便让用户能通过公共网络(比如Internet)来访问此服务器。

  4. 一般来说,在”远程客户协议”的对话框中,至少应该已经有了TCP/IP协议,则只需直接点选”是,所有可用的协议都在列表上”,再按”下一步”即可。




  8. 最后再选”不,我现在不想设置此服务器使用RADIUS”即可完成最后的设置。此时屏幕上将自动出现一个正在开户”路由和远程访问服务”的小窗口。当它消失之后,打开”管理工具”中的”服务”,即可以看到”Routing and Remote Access”(路由和远伏胡此程访问)项”自动”处于”已启动”状态了!


  1. 想要给一个用户赋予拨入到此服务器的权限(默认是任何用户均被拒绝拨入到服务器上),需打开管理工具中的用户管理器(在”计算机管理”项或”Active


  2. 在该用户属性窗口中选”拨入”项,然后点击”允许访问”项,再按”确定”即可完成赋予此用户拨入权限的工作。


版权声明:本文采用知识共享 署名4.0国际许可协议 [BY-NC-SA] 进行授权
文章名称:《如何获取VPN服务器? (Vpn服务器怎么获取)》