Oracle 19为你带来新的驱动力(Oracle19驱动)

Oracle 19 Brings in New Driving Force

Oracle 19 is the latest version of the world-renowned database management system. It comes with a host of new features that offer better performance, improved security, and simplified management. These new features include:

1. Automatic Indexing

Oracle 19 introduces automatic indexing, a revolutionary new feature that allows the database to automatically create and manage indexes. This feature takes the headache out of database indexing and ensures that the database is always optimally indexed.

2. JSON Support

Oracle 19 fully supports JSON natively, which means that developers can easily store and query JSON data in the database. This feature is particularly useful for developers who are building APIs or web applications that require fast and efficient handling of JSON data.

3. Real-Time Statistics

Oracle 19 introduces real-time statistics, which allow administrators to monitor the performance of the database in real-time. This feature gives administrators more control and enables them to optimize the database for better performance and stability.

4. Partitioning Enhancements

Oracle 19 comes with enhanced partitioning capabilities, which allow administrators to split data across multiple partitions for better performance and reliability. This feature is particularly useful for databases that need to handle large volumes of data.

5. SQL Quarantine

Oracle 19 introduces SQL quarantine, a feature that helps prevent SQL statements from causing performance issues. When a SQL statement repeatedly causes performance issues, it is automatically quarantined so that it does not execute and impact the overall performance of the database.

In addition to these new features, Oracle 19 also comes with improved security, simplified management, and better scalability. With all these new features and improvements, Oracle 19 is without a doubt a game changer for the database management industry.

Code Example:

Here is an example of how to enable Automatic Indexing in Oracle 19:

ALTER SYSTEM SET “auto_index_enabled”=TRUE SCOPE=BOTH;

This will enable automatic indexing in the Oracle 19 database. With this feature enabled, the database will automatically create and manage indexes, ensuring that the database is always optimally indexed.


Oracle 19 is a powerful update to the database management system, offering a host of new features that will dramatically improve performance, security, and management. With the introduction of features like automatic indexing, enhanced partitioning, and SQL quarantine, Oracle 19 is poised to revolutionize the way we manage and interact with databases. As the world continues to generate massive amounts of data, Oracle 19 will play a critical role in ensuring that this data is effectively managed and utilized to drive business growth and success.

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文章名称:《Oracle 19为你带来新的驱动力(Oracle19驱动)》