
Oracle Launches New Series of Products with a Digit-Based Naming Convention

Oracle, one of the world’s leading providers of database software and cloud solutions, has recently announced the launch of a new series of products with a digit-based naming convention. Rather than using traditional names, such as Oracle Database or Oracle Cloud, the new products will be identified by a number that reflects their version and release date.

For example, the first product in the series will be called Oracle 21c, which represents its release in the year 2021. This new version of the Oracle Database will feature many improvements over previous versions, including enhanced security, improved performance, and greater scalability. It is designed to meet the needs of modern businesses that demand faster, more reliable data processing.

In addition to the Oracle 21c database, Oracle has also announced a new cloud infrastructure service called Oracle Cloud @ Customer. This service allows businesses to run Oracle Cloud services on their own data centers, giving them greater control over their data and applications. With Oracle Cloud @ Customer, businesses can take advantage of the benefits of the cloud without having to rely on public cloud providers.

Oracle has a long history of innovation and leadership in the database and cloud computing industries. With the release of these new products, Oracle is reaffirming its commitment to providing the latest and best technology solutions for businesses around the world. The digit-based naming convention is just one example of Oracle’s cutting-edge approach to product development and marketing.

As the use of big data and artificial intelligence continues to grow, businesses need more robust and reliable data management systems than ever before. Oracle’s new products are designed to meet these needs, providing businesses with the tools they need to stay competitive and agile in today’s fast-paced market.

To take advantage of these new products, businesses will need to upgrade their existing Oracle systems or invest in new ones. However, the benefits of doing so are significant, including improved performance, scalability, and security. With the right Oracle solution in place, businesses can leverage the power of data to make better, more informed decisions and drive growth and success.

Overall, Oracle’s new digit-based product series marks an exciting new chapter in the company’s history. As Oracle continues to innovate and evolve, businesses can look forward to a future filled with even more powerful and effective solutions for their data management needs.

Sample Code:

To get started with the new Oracle 21c database or Oracle Cloud @ Customer service, businesses can visit the Oracle website or contact an Oracle sales representative. A sample code to create a table in the Oracle 21c database is shown below:

CREATE TABLE customers (

customer_id NUMBER(6) PRIMARY KEY,

first_name VARCHAR2(50),

last_name VARCHAR2(50),

eml VARCHAR2(100),

phone_number VARCHAR2(20)


This code creates a table called “customers” with five columns for customer data. The first column, “customer_id,” is defined as a six-digit number and serves as the primary key for the table. The remning four columns are defined as character strings of varying lengths to store customer names, eml addresses, and phone numbers.

By using the latest version of the Oracle Database, businesses can create tables and manage data more efficiently and securely than ever before. As the demands of data management continue to grow, Oracle will continue to lead the way in providing cutting-edge technology solutions that enable businesses to succeed.

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