Oracle12c 一种全新的数据库管理系统(oracle12c是什么)

Oracle12c: A Brand New Database Management System

With the development of technology, there is a huge demand for database management systems that can store and manage large amounts of data effectively. Oracle12c is a new database management system that offers a bespoke approach for businesses that require reliable and secure data handling. This article provides a brief introduction to Oracle12c, its features, benefits, and how it compares to other database management systems.

Oracle12c is a version of Oracle Database that offers companies a multitenant architecture that enables effective management of multiple databases within a single installation. This feature offers a quicker and more scalable solution for businesses of all sizes, from small to enterprise-level businesses. With Oracle12c, businesses can deploy a database for their applications, while still sharing common resources, such as memory, processing power, and disk storage.

One of the key advantages of Oracle12c is its high-avlability capabilities. This means that the database has been designed in a way that ensures data is avlable to users at all times, even if there is a problem with the hardware or a software issue. Oracle12c accomplishes this by using a technology known as Real Application Clusters, which enables multiple servers to work together to provide a highly avlable and scalable database environment.

In addition to high-avlability, Oracle12c also provides advanced security features, such as data encryption, label security, and database firewall, to ensure that data is protected from unauthorised access, and vulnerabilities are kept to a minimum. These security features provide comprehensive security functionality that is exceptionally easy to use, allowing businesses to focus on their core competencies without having to worry about data security.

Oracle12c provides several other features that make it stand out from other database management systems. It includes in-memory database caching, which enables businesses to accelerate database performance by caching frequently used data in memory, making it quicker to access. It also comes with enhanced backup and recovery functionality, and a new JSON document store for document-oriented applications.

When it comes to comparison with other database management systems, Oracle12c is in a league of its own. It is more powerful than MySQL, SQL Server, and other relational database management systems. It is also more scalable, secure, and supports a wider range of platforms than most other systems. The high-avlability features of Oracle12c also provide significant advantages over other database management systems, such as MySQL, which have traditionally not been as fast, secure, or scalable.

In conclusion, Oracle12c is a reliable and secure data management solution that is essential for businesses that require a database management system that can store and manage large amounts of data effectively. Its multitenant architecture, high-avlability capabilities, advanced security features, and in-memory database caching make it an unparalleled database management system. Additionally, its comprehensive functionality, ease of use, and support for a wide range of platforms place it at the forefront of database management systems. It is no doubt that Oracle12c is a game-changing database management system that has redefined the way businesses store and manage their data.

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文章名称:《Oracle12c 一种全新的数据库管理系统(oracle12c是什么)》