

1. 进入Oracle数据库,查看所有的表名


SELECT table_name FROM user_tables


SELECT table_name FROM scott.user_tables

2. 用sql查询指定数据表


SELECT * FROM tablename


SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM tablename


SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE column1 = value1


3. 常用Oracle查询语句


(1)ORDER BY:可以按照指定的字段(列)进行排序:

SELECT * FROM tablename ORDER BY column1

(2)GROUP BY:可以将查出的结果根据指定的字段(列)进行分组:

SELECT COUNT( column1 ) FROM tablename GROUP BY column1

(3)HAVING:是使用GROUP BY后的条件语句,一般与GROUP BY搭配使用:

SELECT SUM( column1 ) FROM tablename GROUP BY column1 HAVING SUM( column1 ) > value



Simple English version:

Query the specified table is a very common need, using Oracle database as an example, the following specific query steps will be given for reference.

1. Log in to the Oracle database and view the names of all tables

Once you are connected to the Oracle database, if you want to see which tables are available, you can use the following code:

SELECT table_name FROM user_tables

This statement can query all the data tables under the current user. If you want to know the table name of a specific user, you can change the table name, for example, if the user is SCOTT, you can use:

SELECT table_name FROM scott.user_tables

2. Use the SQL query to specify the table

Once the specific table name is found, the content can be queried with SQL, usually using the SELECT statement:

SELECT * FROM tablename

This statement can select all columns (all fields) of a table. If you only want to query a few columns, you can modify it:

SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM tablename

That is, specify the specific fields to be queried, and also can query according to the field value:

SELECT*FROM tablename WHERE column1 = value1

For example, above, it is to query all records in a column that meet a certain value.

3. Common Oracle query statement

In addition to the basic statements mentioned above, there are many query functions in Oracle, which can be used to query the specified record data:

(1) ORDER BY: Can sort by the specified field (column):

SELECT * FROM tablename ORDER BY column1

(2) GROUP BY: Can group the query results according to the specified field (column):

SELECT COUNT(column1) FROM tablename GROUP BY column1

(3) HAVING: Is the condition statement after using GROUP BY. It is usually used with GROUP BY:

SELECT SUM(column1) FROM tablename GROUP BY column1 HAVING SUM(column1) > value

Above is the general content of this guide on how to query specified tables in Oracle. By using the above methods, the most basic query function can be achieved. As long as familiar with the common functions, you can query the data that meets the requirements according to your own needs.

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