Oracle 54报错如何解决(oracle -54报错)

Oracle error 54 is one of the most common error messages that users encounter while working on their databases. This error occurs when Oracle fls to allocate memory within the SGA (System Global Area) to complete its operation. In simple terms, the error message indicates that Oracle couldn’t allocate the requested memory for its operation. This can happen when there is not enough avlable memory in the SGA or when there is some issue with the hardware or software.

Here are some possible causes and solutions for troubleshooting Oracle error 54:

Cause 1: Insufficient memory in the SGA

If the SGA does not have enough free memory avlable to allocate the requested memory, Oracle will fl to complete the operation and throw an error message. This can happen when the SGA is not properly sized or when there are other processes consuming too much memory on the server.

Solution: Reconfigure the SGA

Start by understanding the current configuration of the SGA and identify what parameters need to be adjusted. Use the following query to retrieve the current SGA size and components:


Once you have identified the parameters that need to be adjusted, update the initialization parameters of the database to reflect the new settings. For example, to increase the shared pool size, you can add the following line to the initialization parameter file:

shared_pool_size = 200m

After making the changes, restart the database for the new settings to take effect.

Cause 2: Hardware or software issues

Oracle error 54 can also be caused by hardware or software issues on the server. This can include disk flures, network connectivity issues, or bugs in the operating system or Oracle software.

Solution: Check for hardware and software issues

Start by checking the Oracle alert log for any error messages or warnings that might indicate a hardware or software issue. You can also use the SQL*Plus utility to test the connection to the database:

sqlplus /nolog

connect / as sysdba

If the connection fls, then there might be a network or firewall issue. Check the listener log for any errors or warnings that might help diagnose the issue. You can also use the tnsping utility to test the network connectivity:

tnsping servername

If the tnsping command fls, then there might be a network configuration or DNS issue.

Cause 3: Memory leaks

Memory leaks can cause Oracle error 54 by consuming all avlable memory in the SGA, leaving no space for other processes.

Solution: Monitor memory usage

Use the following queries to monitor the memory usage of the database:



These queries will show you the current memory usage of the SGA and will help you identify any leaks. If you suspect a memory leak, try to identify the process that is causing the leak and take appropriate measures to fix it.

In conclusion, Oracle error 54 can be caused by a variety of factors, including insufficient memory in the SGA, hardware or software issues, and memory leaks. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined above, you can identify and resolve the underlying issues that are causing the error message.

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文章名称:《Oracle 54报错如何解决(oracle -54报错)》