Linux save:轻松把文件保存在Linux系统中 (linux save)

Linux Save: Save Your Files with Ease on Linux

Linux is a robust and reliable operating system that is popular for its stability and flexibility. With its powerful command-line interface and open-source nature, Linux is a popular choice for programmers and tech enthusiasts worldwide. Among its features, saving files is an essential part of working with any operating system. This article will introduce you to the different methods you can use to save your files on Linux.

Saving files in Linux is a strghtforward procedure. You can save your files using various methods such as using the command-line interface, graphical user interface, or file manager applications. Depending on your preference, you can select any of these methods to save your files on Linux.

Command-Line Interface

The command-line interface is the most powerful and flexible way of saving files on Linux. It allows users to interact with the system using text commands. To save a file using the command-line interface, you need to launch the terminal application and navigate to the folder where you want to save your file.

Once you’ve navigated to the folder, use the following command to create a new file:

$ touch file_name.extension

This command creates an empty file with the specified name and extension. To edit the file, use any text editor of your choice, such as Vim or Nano. For instance, to open the file using Vim text editor, type the following command:

$ vim file_name.extension

After making changes to the file, save it by pressing the: wq command. This command saves the changes and quits the Vim text editor. You can use this method to create and save files using the command-line interface.

Graphical User Interface

The graphical user interface is the most user-friendly method to save files on Linux. The graphical user interface is a visual representation of the Linux operating system, and it allows users to interact with the system using icons, windows, and menus.

To save a file using the graphical user interface, you need to open the file manager application. The file manager application is a graphical user interface application used to manage files in Linux. Once opened, navigate to the folder where you want to save your file and right-click anywhere in the folder. From the dropdown menu, select the “Create New Document” option and choose the type of file you want to create.

After this, the file manager application will create an empty file with the specified name and extension. To edit the file, double-click on the file to open it using the default text editor. After editing the file, save it by clicking on the “Save” button located at the top of the text editor.

File Manager Applications

Linux provides several file manager applications that allow users to manage files effectively. Some popular file manager applications are Nautilus, Thunar, and PCManFM.

To save a file using a file manager application, you need to open the application and navigate to the folder where you want to save your file. Once you have navigated to the folder, right-click anywhere in the folder and select the “Create New Document” option. From the dropdown menu, choose the type of file you want to create.

The file manager application will create an empty file with the specified name and extension. To edit the file, double-click on the file to open it using the default text editor, such as Gedit or Kwrite. After editing the file, save it by clicking on the “Save” button located at the top of the text editor.


Saving files on Linux is an essential part of working with any operating system. Linux provides several methods to save files, such as using the command-line interface, graphical user interface, or file manager applications. Depending on your preference, you can select any of these methods to create and save files on Linux.

In conclusion, Linux is an excellent choice for users who require stability, reliability, and flexibility. With its open-source nature and powerful command-line interface, Linux is an excellent choice for developers, system administrators, and tech enthusiasts. By using the methods described above, you can save your files with ease on Linux.


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sudo gedit /etc/profile;

/etc/profile 默认权限为 -rw-r–r–即只有root用户可以修改,其它用户只能读取。要修改/etc/profile,先要使用root用户登录系肆兄樱统,再使用文本编辑软件打开裂丛/etc/profile进行编辑,最后保存尘升退出即可。关于文本编辑软件:字符界面下使用vi或vim进行编辑,命令形式:vi /etc/profile图形界面下可用gedit进行编辑,命令形式:gedit /etc/profile


su – root 切换到root

vi /etc/profile


sudo vim /etc/profile

sudo vi /etc/profile

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文章名称:《Linux save:轻松把文件保存在Linux系统中 (linux save)》