ORA-38771: unnamed datafile(s) added to control file by flashback recovery ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理


ORA-38771: unnamed datafile(s) added to control file by flashback recovery

Cause: The recovery step of FLASHBACK DATABASE encountered the creation of a datafile that could not be added to the control file. An entry has been added to the control file for the new datafile, but with the file name UNNAMEDnnnn, where nnnn is the file number. Related error messages provide the file names that were originally used to create the files.

Action: Rename the file in the control file, or use the ALTER ALTER DATABASE CREATE DATAFILE command to create a file suitable for recovery. If the file is not going to be recovered, then take it offline with the FOR DROP option. The recovery step of Flashback can be resumed by entering a RECOVERY command with the same SCN or timestamp as used in the FLASHBACK DATABASE command. For example, RECOVER AUTOMTAIC DATABASE UNTIL CHANGE .

ORA-38771是一个Oracle数据库警告,表明运行flashback恢复过程时,SQL* Plus或RMAN将添加新的、未命名的数据文件到控制文件。


ORA-38771: 使用回溯恢复时为控制文件添加了未命名的数据文件






1. 如果对系统的影响不大,那么可以忽略此错误,只需在系统中保存此错误,或者在完成buffered redo log强制flush后删除此控制文件中的未命名文件;

2. 如果对系统产生影响,那么需要确定是哪个文件出现故障,然后进行恢复操作,如果故障无法恢复,那么可以考虑对数据库进行一次完整的备份,然后进行数据库恢复操作。

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文章名称:《ORA-38771: unnamed datafile(s) added to control file by flashback recovery ORACLE 报错 故障修复 远程处理》